Children's Church
"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God." - Mark 10:14-15

Pass on the Faith

"The Lord establishes a testimony... which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children." (Psalm 78:5-7). It is the Duty and Honor for Fathers to instruct their children in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Taught at Own Level
The children sit through the first half of the Worship Service, and then dismissed to their own class prior to the Sermon. Here they are taught by a qualified teacher at a level they can comprehend.
Engage the Mind and Heart

The Lessons consist of short Bible Stories, discussion questions that interact with the text, activities to assist understanding, poster boards, and pictures to bring the Bible to life.
Honor Parents of our Children

Parents are the rightful and primary teachers of children. In respect of this, the child is given take home lessons to do with his or her parent.
Build a Love for Jesus Christ

Love for God is the greatest commandment, for we love Christ because he first loved us. Our hope is for our children to know this love of God as early as they can.
Equip for a Lifetime of Worship for God

Our prayer is to instill faith, hope, and love for Jesus Christ in the child's heart, that they would freely and on their own will commit to a life lived to the glory of God.